Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fishing at tacony creek park

Today I was fishing at tacony creek park  with my big brother I caught 3 sunfish  and he caught on  sunfish I didn't get any pictures on the fish but it was a good fishing day at the park. I saw three deer at the and this was not my first time seeing deer at the park I saw some  deer at penny pack park but I have to say that the deer at tacony creek park are too wild there because me and my brother were on  our way back  from mcdonalds. we saw some deer  on our way back home we stop at a gas station to get some water and iced tea be cause we needed to refill our bottles with water then went we go back to the park we stoped to refill our bottles and out of know wear a huge deer came from under the bridge jumping and kicking its legs and then my brother ran and then I started to run fast as I could I made it to him and we got to the part we needed to leave the park and a very huge bird fly's over us and it looked liked it was from the dinosaur birds its wings were about 8 ft long each and it's legs were 8 ft long too. And after me and my brother saw it another deer was standing  watching us and I  pointed out for him because he did not see the deer.

 The bird looked just the same.

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